Australian Magpie
(Gymnorhina Tibicen)
- The Australian magpie is a medium-sized black and white passerine bird native to Australia and southern New Guinea.
Described as one of Australia's most accomplished songbirds, the Australian magpie has an array of complex vocalisations.
It is omnivorous, with the bulk of its varied diet made up of invertebrates.
During spring, a small minority of breeding magpies (almost always males) become aggressive, swooping and attacking those who approach their nests.
Fun Facts:
- Magpies will often mate for life. However, if a male is killed while the young are in the nest, the female will take a new partner.
- Believe it or not, only between eight and 10 per cent of magpies ever swoop people. The vast majority will never look at you sideways, even during mating season.
- Magpies can hear the sound of grubs and worms under the ground.
- Magpies can be very social with humans once they are familiar.
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