Murray Cod
(Maccullochella Peelii)
- The Murray cod is a large Australian predatory freshwater fish of the genus Maccullochella in the family Percichthyidae.
Although the species is called a cod in the vernacular, it is not related to the Northern Hemisphere marine cod (Gadus) species.
The Murray cod is an important part of Australia's vertebrate wildlife—as an apex predator in the Murray-Darling River system—and also significant in Australia's human culture.
Fun Facts:
- Murray cod are the top predator in their habitat and will eat anything that they can fit in their very large mouths, including fish, yabbies and other freshwater crayfish, shrimp, freshwater mussels and even waterfowl, small mammals and tortoises.
- At breeding time, females lay thousand of eggs. The first time they breed, they may about 10,000 eggs, but older females can lay about 100,000 eggs. Most of these eggs never become fully grown adults.
- The largest freshwater fish in Australia, regularly growing to over a metre in length.
Source: https://haydensanimalfacts
- The Murray Cod is an apex predator. Watch the video below to see why: