Photo: Josh Withers

Common Wombat

    Common Wombat

    (Vombatus Ursinus)

  • Common wombats are sturdy and built close to the ground. When fully grown, they can reach between 80 and 130 cm, and weigh between 17 and 40 kg. The wombats found on Tasmania and Flinders Island are often smaller than their mainland counterparts. It is distinguished from both hairy-nosed wombats by its bald nose.
  • Source:

    Fun Facts:

    1. One of the more unusual facts about wombats is that they actually excrete cube shaped poop.
    2. Although Koalas could be physically compared to bears, pigs and guinea pigs, the closest living relative to the Wombat is actually the Koala.
    3. Don’t let their looks deceive you, these marsupials can run at speeds of 40 km/h! That’s just 7 km/h slower than Usain Bolt!
    4. Source:

  • Learn more about Wombats in the video below:
Wombat sleeping

DON'T WAKE the WOMBAT?! (Brave Wilderness) - 2018